
On the other hand, it's the wonderful celebrations that have kept me busy on weekends and some weeknights. I recently hosted a fun baby shower for my good friend Tina. I've planned numerous bridal showers, but this was my first time hosting a baby shower. It was quite different than a bridal shower, simply because the games, decorations and gifts are so cute. Having that date (April 29) earmarked for the shower gave my husband and I a goal to finish constructing our patio. We knew the weather would be lovely that month, and it would be perfect to complete the project in time...and we did the eve of the shower.
The photo above shows the perspective from our sunroom. (Sorry for the glare.) It is a lovely view that our cat, Mr. B, enjoys...or maybe he's just watching the birds and squirrels on the patio...never-the-less, we certainly enjoy it. It took two weeks, over 4500 lbs. of conrete (before adding water), and x amount of slate to construct this beautiful monster. Before any of that, we had to till and level the ground, in addition to chopping many roots - some very large ones, in fact. Most of the elbow-grease came from Clay (hauling the heavy bags of concrete and mixing in water by hand in a wheelbarrow). I was a mere assistant, massage therapist, and also the gardener. (There have been many more blooms since the photo was taken last month. The foxgloves shot up, the roses bloomed to their peak, the amaryllis flowers opened, and the lilies are just about to explode.) Maybe I should post a more current photo...

Anyway, the baby shower was a success; we enjoyed drinks and dessert on the patio. On to the next project...raised herb beds next to the patio...and a bridal shower for a childhood friend.
At a later date, I may post retrospective photos of house projects that have been crossed off on the right sidebar...I should have started this blog a year ago!
Sounds like a lot of work, but it turned out great - can't wait to see it in person. :-)
Well you did a fabulous job on the backyard as it is beautiful...and the shower was amazing as well. Thank you for that again:)
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