a little insight into ongoing home/garden projects and everyday life...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

back in the day

Whatever happened to spelling bees? I’m not sure why I thought about it (and it’s not because Starbucks is “making” movies), but I guess they were the only competitions in which I was able to destroy my second grade peers...yes, quite an accomplishment, I know you’re all so proud. Not that I would have classified myself as astute, but I definitely wasn’t very athletic. There weren’t many blue ribbons won on field days...well, except for the 3-legged race that Tracy and I won – 3 years undefeated – what victory...I’m sure that’s because she, with her tall stature even in grade school, dragged my scrawny body across the finish line. Thanks for looking out for me, T...you brought out the athlete-wannabe in me and added a few blue ribbons to hang next to my Perfect Attendance awards.

I suppose I’m waxing reminiscent of the fun times of no peer pressure in grade school before the days of saving up babysitting money to buy Guess jeans or a Benetton shirt in middle school...gotta keep up with the trends at age 12. Mom and Dad never quite understood the reasoning behind babysitting for 20 hours to throw away $50 on a pair of jeans.

I loved the book fairs in the library, recess on the playground, and the notion of just loving our teachers...they knew everything. It was just riding our bikes until dinnertime and learning times tables...no pubescent torture. And dammit, I liked it when P.E. consisted of playing the parachute game.

I suppose I’ll look forward to my future children cruising through the elementary years. At least I’ll have the confidence to help them with their homework when they’re young. Into the middle and high school years it may take me a moment to remember the Pythagorean Theorem or God forbid imaginary numbers. Am I the only person that has blocked out calculus?

Well, here’s to decades past, and don’t forget how to spell my spelling bee championship word – ENCYCLOPEDIA. I was promptly awarded a bookmark from Mrs. Rogers...to proudly display on the other side of my Perfect Attendance awards. Nan, you go girl...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet you still wear those Guess jeans. You know you're cool!

M Dogg


Blogger Arun Mathur said...

The parachute game is definitely a hit for kids!


Blogger nan said...

Hi, M! I never thought you'd get off your lazy bum and leave a comment. :-)

Arun, I would still play the parachute game if I had a parachute and enough willing participants. I guess we never played that at Citadel Square, did we...I can't remember.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My big winning word in 5th grade was BRAILLE. Ahhh...the good old days:) ~Tina


Blogger nan said...

Oh good...another nerd! Tina, maybe we should have a spelling bee at your house next weekend. We need some kind of party game for K's birthday. :-)



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