
Since we were in such a celebratory mood, for some reason we decided to empty our bank accounts to keep the merriment going. We invested in a new digital camera. We've needed a new camera. Our old one just doesn't cut it when it comes to quality photography, and now we have a Nikon D50 SLR. We had a blast taking experimental shots of the garden. We took a long walk downtown and snapped some photos of cobblestone alleyways, funky houses and whatever we happened upon. For those of you who don't know, Clay really enjoyed taking photography courses in high school. He has wanted to get back into it for a long time, and better yet, I get free lessons...because it's all about me. Oh, right, it's all about us. He also ordered an attachment to go on our telescope, so he can photograph planets. Speaking of...we viewed Jupiter and 3 of its moons with the telescope the other night. It was a last second decision to have a 'scope date at 12:30 a.m., when he noticed how clear the sky was.
We did complete a few projects over the holiday weekend. Sadly, the most satisfying part of keeping up with this blog is crossing off projects on the list (for those of you who are drunk, it's the one on the right side-bar). Anyway, Clay replaced our back door (garage), which seems like a simple process. It was, until he found that the "standard-size" door didn't fit properly, so he had to plane the door and the frame...and move all of the hinges down. Not only that, one can't just buy an exterior door anymore. It comes with the whole door frame; imagine us hauling that home with the Honda Accord. (We are the last people on Earth without an SUV or truck, and we'll probably keep it that way. Of course, we say that now...) Anyway, we didn't need to replace the frame, so it is in the backyard next to a toilet, kitchen sink, and a car on cement blocks. Okay, not really, but we'd like to donate that frame to someone...anyone...maybe Habitat for Humanity? Any suggestions? Clay also replaced the knobs and locks on all the back doors, so we got to cross that off the list, as well.
And what did I do, while Clay worked so hard? I spent money. I found a slip-covered sofa on sale, and (I think) it will look great in the sunroom. To be delivered next week. Yay! So, another item crossed off the list. By the way, our old sofa is for sale if anybody needs one. I also worked in the garden - mulched the beds and repotted some plants. We didn't get to the herb bed yet, but there's always next weekend. I did revise our garden map illustration - combined the herb/wildflower bed and added a larger sitting area that can accomodate patio furniture and our grill.
In conclusion, we had a busy - yet productive - weekend. Sorry if none of you get birthday presents from us this year...we have no money left, and well, it's all about least for this past weekend it was.
Photos taken with the new camera coming soon...
Happy Nanniversary!
Do you LOVE you D-50 or what???
We got one about 3 months ago and I adore it. But now I want the SP-800 flash and a better lens!
Hi there! I love the camera, but I already got into trouble with Clay...accidentally got a fingerprint on the lens. I tried to blame it on the cat, but for obvious reasons it didn't work. Luckily, I'm a huge nerd and have a book of microscope lens paper (leftover from college), so mini-crisis averted. Anyway, you'll have to let me know what lens you end up purchasing. I'm sure we'll end up upgrading in the next couple of years. I still have to post photos we took...I've been slacking.
I enjoy your blog...found it via MetroDad.
I do love our new D-50! It brings back memories of my high school photography class, just without the dark room. However, like you, I'm finding that I want a little more than the kit lens has to offer. I'm considering a Quantaray 70-300mm macro-zoom lens. It compares well with Nikon's 70-300mm zoom, but is less than half the price.
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