it's been a long time since I rock and rolled... many years have passed now? How much spare time do I have now? Well, luckily, the only people (or person, maybe) who used to read my blog keep up with me via telephone. Hi, Mom! - ha ha. Well, to remind that person, I had a baby girl (Lela [Lee-luh]) months ago. She's everything I expected, and I didn't even know that I'd really ever be able to get pregnant due to some health issues from years ago.
Life is definitely different, as Clay and I take turns working from home and the office, so one of us is able to be home with Lela every day. Our hectic schedule with balancing work and "daycare" is both challenging and rewarding. We're so glad to not have missed her major milestones and even funny little things she does or says every day. On the other hand, there have been many late, late nights catching up on work. Somehow we manage well and ultimately enjoy this new lifestyle. We just need to learn to start going to bed early and not getting sucked into watching TV.
Home and garden projects have slowed down a bit other than normal upkeep, but the list is ever-growing. I guess our "spare" time involves sleep. Naps are good. And, coffee and tea help us quite often.
Well, I don't intend to only write about Lela on this blog, but she is, of course, a huge part of my life. Somehow, I still make time for volunteer work and other social activities...and chipping away at our projects. So, I'll do my best to keep you updated, Mom. :-)
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