a little insight into ongoing home/garden projects and everyday life...

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


We had a fun 5 year nannivesary weekend. It was all about me. Okay, not really - I just couldn't come up with a clever title. I've enjoyed exotic scents from a gorgeous bouquet of flowers Clay sent to my office, and I have a generous spa gift certificate soon to be used. I surprised Clay with a secret geek date to a performance of a one-man theatre routine. This guy re-enacted the 3 (original) "Star Wars" movies without any props or costumes. He played multiple characters and made fun of them, in addition to the actors in the movies and even audience members. Like every poorly dressed child of the seventies (yes, that includes you), Clay regards the triology as the quintessential space adventure. I'm a fan of the films (big difference between being a fan and being a fanatic), and even I enjoyed the hour-long show.

Since we were in such a celebratory mood, for some reason we decided to empty our bank accounts to keep the merriment going. We invested in a new digital camera. We've needed a new camera. Our old one just doesn't cut it when it comes to quality photography, and now we have a Nikon D50 SLR. We had a blast taking experimental shots of the garden. We took a long walk downtown and snapped some photos of cobblestone alleyways, funky houses and whatever we happened upon. For those of you who don't know, Clay really enjoyed taking photography courses in high school. He has wanted to get back into it for a long time, and better yet, I get free lessons...because it's all about me. Oh, right, it's all about us. He also ordered an attachment to go on our telescope, so he can photograph planets. Speaking of...we viewed Jupiter and 3 of its moons with the telescope the other night. It was a last second decision to have a 'scope date at 12:30 a.m., when he noticed how clear the sky was.

We did complete a few projects over the holiday weekend. Sadly, the most satisfying part of keeping up with this blog is crossing off projects on the list (for those of you who are drunk, it's the one on the right side-bar). Anyway, Clay replaced our back door (garage), which seems like a simple process. It was, until he found that the "standard-size" door didn't fit properly, so he had to plane the door and the frame...and move all of the hinges down. Not only that, one can't just buy an exterior door anymore. It comes with the whole door frame; imagine us hauling that home with the Honda Accord. (We are the last people on Earth without an SUV or truck, and we'll probably keep it that way. Of course, we say that now...) Anyway, we didn't need to replace the frame, so it is in the backyard next to a toilet, kitchen sink, and a car on cement blocks. Okay, not really, but we'd like to donate that frame to someone...anyone...maybe Habitat for Humanity? Any suggestions? Clay also replaced the knobs and locks on all the back doors, so we got to cross that off the list, as well.

And what did I do, while Clay worked so hard? I spent money. I found a slip-covered sofa on sale, and (I think) it will look great in the sunroom. To be delivered next week. Yay! So, another item crossed off the list. By the way, our old sofa is for sale if anybody needs one. I also worked in the garden - mulched the beds and repotted some plants. We didn't get to the herb bed yet, but there's always next weekend. I did revise our garden map illustration - combined the herb/wildflower bed and added a larger sitting area that can accomodate patio furniture and our grill.

In conclusion, we had a busy - yet productive - weekend. Sorry if none of you get birthday presents from us this year...we have no money left, and well, it's all about us...at least for this past weekend it was.

Photos taken with the new camera coming soon...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

still waxing nostalgic

Whatever happened to

TPing someone’s house – Now, I only did this a couple of times in middle/high school. Do kids even do this anymore? I know that plastic forks in the yard became all the rage later on, but I haven’t even seen that happen in a long time. I guess, as a homeowner, I’d be pretty steamed to wake up to soggy toilet paper tangled in the huge maple tree in our front yard – interesting how our perspectives change – or maybe not…there’s one neighbor’s yard that I wouldn’t mind TPing. Now, before you rebuke remember, if you never TPed you know you wish you had, and at the moment you’re checking out the house across the street.

Common Courtesy – One would think that living in the genteel South would sustain the traditions of a person (not necessarily male) to hold the door open for someone; to say, “please,” “excuse me” and “thank you”; and to not swear in public especially in front of children.

Writing letters/thank you notes – I’m a fairly avid letter-writer. I get more excited about the idea of the recipient of my mail opening the letter than actually writing the letter. In fact, there are times when I struggle to think about what to write. I love opening a beautiful invitation to a celebration or a handwritten letter on monogrammed stationery. Aptly, I guess most people are more excited to receive a box from Amazon…with their Oprah’s pick nestled inside a bed of styrofoam…purchased with their own credit cards. (On a sentimental note, for those of you that have kept up correspondence with me please know that I have saved every single letter since childhood.)

Bowling – Do people go bowling anymore…like family-fun bowling? Just curious.

Slumber parties – I know that these still exist for the young, but I really miss them. I’m up for a good sleepover replete with good movies, crank phone calls, candy, soda pop and a (insert popular cartoon/movie/TV series) sleeping bag. Currently, I guess mine would have Dwight Schrute on it…that’s kind of creepy...I'd have to turn it inside out. Wait, that's creepier.

Typewriter – Recently, my college intern asked me what that was when I asked her to use it to fill in blanks on an application form. When I showed it to her she then asked me how to work the keys.

Zip Disks – I’m not a proponent of using them at present. I just found it amusing that another college intern had no idea what a zip disk was. Man, technology does become obsolete so quickly. I still have 20 or 30 zip disks in a drawer somewhere, granted I haven’t used them in years. Conversely, someone submitted a file to me on a 3.5” floppy just the other day. I had to search for a computer that had a compliant drive. My Mac scoffed at me.

Mix tapes – Simply express your love or friendship by presenting a mix tape to someone. Of course, does that person have a cassette player? Crap…just give them an iTunes gift card.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

back in the day

Whatever happened to spelling bees? I’m not sure why I thought about it (and it’s not because Starbucks is “making” movies), but I guess they were the only competitions in which I was able to destroy my second grade peers...yes, quite an accomplishment, I know you’re all so proud. Not that I would have classified myself as astute, but I definitely wasn’t very athletic. There weren’t many blue ribbons won on field days...well, except for the 3-legged race that Tracy and I won – 3 years undefeated – what victory...I’m sure that’s because she, with her tall stature even in grade school, dragged my scrawny body across the finish line. Thanks for looking out for me, T...you brought out the athlete-wannabe in me and added a few blue ribbons to hang next to my Perfect Attendance awards.

I suppose I’m waxing reminiscent of the fun times of no peer pressure in grade school before the days of saving up babysitting money to buy Guess jeans or a Benetton shirt in middle school...gotta keep up with the trends at age 12. Mom and Dad never quite understood the reasoning behind babysitting for 20 hours to throw away $50 on a pair of jeans.

I loved the book fairs in the library, recess on the playground, and the notion of just loving our teachers...they knew everything. It was just riding our bikes until dinnertime and learning times tables...no pubescent torture. And dammit, I liked it when P.E. consisted of playing the parachute game.

I suppose I’ll look forward to my future children cruising through the elementary years. At least I’ll have the confidence to help them with their homework when they’re young. Into the middle and high school years it may take me a moment to remember the Pythagorean Theorem or God forbid imaginary numbers. Am I the only person that has blocked out calculus?

Well, here’s to decades past, and don’t forget how to spell my spelling bee championship word – ENCYCLOPEDIA. I was promptly awarded a bookmark from Mrs. Rogers...to proudly display on the other side of my Perfect Attendance awards. Nan, you go girl...

Monday, May 22, 2006


Clay and I will be celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary this weekend...although, we've been together for nearly 10 years...so it feels longer than five. What are we doing for our anniversary? A quiet dinner at one of our favorite local Italian restaurants (with a fabulous wine selection) and maybe a concert or play later in the weekend. We're still aiming for a camping trip just to escape SC, but this weekend is too busy. At least we have Monday off from work to finish constructing the herb garden. My herbs are begging to be planted in the ground. They've been in pots since we moved from the old house last May. By the way, basil, parsley, and tarragon continue to grow if you bring them inside during the winter...thank goodness we have a sunroom! It's nice to have fresh herbs during the winter months for soups and stews.

We're hoping to have a sprinkler system installed soon. The summer heat is just now starting, and I'm not interested in "hand" watering everything every other morning. It is a large initial cost - getting a second water meter installed plus the actual sprinkler system - but it will save us money and time in the longrun.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Here's one reason to live in or visit the Southeast. These highly fragrant Magnolia blossoms are everywhere. We came home from work yesterday, and the house smelled wonderful.

Clay and I would really love to go camping in NC soon. The weather would be perfect if we make a trip within the next month. We haven't gone since last fall, and it was perfect timing to pick fresh blueberries from the trails. I'm ready to escape...here are pics from the last trip:
*overlooking cloudy ranges *hiking up a trail *filtering water *enjoying wildflowers

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Work slows down during the summer months, so I'm not constantly on press deadlines. It's great to be able to take my time on summer projects at work...mostly designing publications and other graphic design projects.

On the other hand, it's the wonderful celebrations that have kept me busy on weekends and some weeknights. I recently hosted a fun baby shower for my good friend Tina. I've planned numerous bridal showers, but this was my first time hosting a baby shower. It was quite different than a bridal shower, simply because the games, decorations and gifts are so cute. Having that date (April 29) earmarked for the shower gave my husband and I
a goal to finish constructing our patio. We knew the weather would be lovely that month, and it would be perfect to complete the project in time...and we did the eve of the shower.

The photo above shows the perspective from our sunroom. (Sorry for the glare.) It is a lovely view that our cat, Mr. B, enjoys...or maybe he's just watching the birds and squirrels on the patio...never-the-less, we certainly enjoy it. It took two weeks, over 4500 lbs. of conrete (before adding water), and x amount of slate to construct this beautiful monster. Before any of that, we had to till and level the ground, in addition to chopping many roots - some very large ones, in fact. Most of the elbow-grease came from Clay (hauling the heavy bags of concrete and mixing in water by hand in a wheelbarrow). I was a mere assistant, massage therapist, and also the gardener. (There have been many more blooms since the photo was taken last month. The foxgloves shot up, the roses bloomed to their peak, the amaryllis flowers opened, and the lilies are just about to explode.) Maybe I should post a more current photo...

Anyway, the baby shower was a success; we enjoyed drinks and dessert on the patio. On to the next project...raised herb beds next to the patio...and a bridal shower for a childhood friend.

At a later date, I may post retrospective photos of house projects that have been crossed off on the right sidebar...I should have started this blog a year ago!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


My goals for this blog are to keep in touch with family and friends and share our home/garden projects (and any adventures)...while remaining somewhat anonymous to visiting guests.

I married my best friend.

Chocolate is one of my best friends. (I’m not married to chocolate.)

As hectic as it can be, I love my job.

I am a graphic designer and also work in public relations.

I aspire to learn as much about gardening as I can from my parents.

The makeovers in our house will continue over our lifetimes. I’m willing to accept that, and I guess we’ll never be bored!

I love stationery, and I love to write letters. I try to write at least two letters a month. Sometimes I fall behind and write no letters for a couple of months and then catch up by writing 10 letters over a couple of days.

I really love sending packages in the mail. I always have great intentions on sending birthday presents on time, but unfortunately, I’m almost always late.

I like the smell of rain.

I’m proud of my husband - he’s brilliant and kind-hearted.

My cat does something to make me laugh at least twice daily.

I’m 29 years old.

I’m looking forward to my 30s.

I’m not a morning person.

I enjoy planning parties...especially celebrations.

I wish I was more organized, but I’m working on it.

I’m trying to keep my house clutter-free, but it’s tough...getting better though.

I always smile at people, and I like it when they smile back.

I’m always cold...even in the hot summers...the A/C keeps me chilled.

I would love a vacation home in the mountains.

I enjoy cooking with fresh herbs.

I’m claustrophobic...not a fan of elevators.

I don't understand why many drivers find it difficult to use turn signals.

I miss all of my childhood cartoons...Tom & Jerry, Looney Tunes, Droopy...I’m trying to collect the DVDs.

I don’t understand the need for some people to “look important” by talking on their cell phones.